Saturday, June 9, 2007

Day Seven–Ventura to Los Angeles– 67 Miles


Today we woke up to sake hangovers. It was a day of “last this, last that”. Last time I have to sleep in that tent, last breakfast at 5am, last time on the porta potty that has been used a thousand times before you. We started off the day with Jenna having a flat tire on her bike before we even left. After Ed desperately helped her out, so that we could leave before getting sagged…we were relieved to finally leave. Only a ½ mile later, Jenna had yet another flat. It turns out there was a staple embedded in her tire. Once we pulled that out, we CO2d her tire, and we were finally good to go. We were pretty much the very last ones to leave the Ventura.

Our first rest stop consisted of an hour wait for the bathroom lines…so Ed and I found some bushes…and we all decided to push on to the next stop. Mike couldn’t hold it any more, and he stopped at the top of a cliff to find a place to let it go. The rest of us continued down alongside the ocean, as a perfectly synched train at around 22mph…just cruising through the crowds, dodging cars…as we viewed the amazing ocean views, and various groups of pelicans that were flying north.

Needless to say, we skipped the next rest stop as well, in favor of finding the famous “starbucks” where it was rumored that Pierce Brosnan liked to hang out at their.

Riding through Malibu was interesting. It was full of beautiful people, cars, traffic, views, and not much of a shoulder to ride on. But we made it to LA just fine. In fact, this was Gary’s coming out party. If he was tired or sore from the week’s worth of riding, he wasn’t showing it. He sliced our train through Malibu and took no prisoners. In fact, the rest of us 40mph’rs at the back of the pack were seriously questioning what that man had for breakfast that morning. He was putting the hurt on us! I told him later, after that amazing pull I’d be his wing man anytime.

Since we arrived to Los Angeles early, we stopped at the soup plantation for lunch. I decided to have a much missed chicken paninni at Noah’s bagels…I had to eat it quickly before Ed did..for he was threatening to take it.

Closing ceremonies was a bit anti climatic. After all, it was the end. We had done our fundraising, rode our was over per se. But for me, the most important part was that we all finished in one piece as well and were able to meet up with our families again.

By the way, the city of Los Angeles treated us like heroes. As my buddies and I rode 4 abreast, side by side down a street lined with well wishers cheering for you, the thought of doing this ride again definitely sat in my mind. (Actual video of this follows - thanks Marc!)

Tracey and Marc (Very close friends of ours) were kind enough to hold a celebration party at their home in Chatsworth, that night. It was full of good food, cake, kids running around, etc. It was a nice introduction back into reality. We partied like rock stars until around 9pm..when each of us riders looked like we were going to pass out if we had to stay up any longer.


Now that I’m 40 I have achieved a personal best (in regards to my fitness level and well being) that I only dreamed about before. More importantly, I have given back to my community that has given me so much. In the process my ties with friends and family has only gotten stronger. I ask you, how can you not do this ride? I encourage you to participate in one way or another in the future. You won’t be disappointed.


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